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Practice Areas

Eating Disorders

& Disordered Eating 

Healing your relationship with food and your body is possible. Eating disorders are about disconnection. Disconnection from identity, the body and emotions. Learn to reconnect. 

Honoring your body and experiences throughout life's transitions. Offering a safe space to process, explore and heal. Learn to grieve, let go of expectations and find your power. 

Adolescence & young adulthood is a time of endless potential and often great anxieties. Have the space to explore, embrace and challenge the different parts of yourself. 

Mood concerns can feel like you are sitting in a dark cloud or constantly running with fear. Compassion, connection and coping strategies can help. 

Deep wounds can color the way you interact with the world. Learn to honor your experiences, skills to cope with your pains & hope to heal. Pain does not have to define you. 

Heal your relationship with the self and learn to embrace the different parts of you. Explore your identity and build safety by showing up as your authentic self. 

Need some extra support in one or more of these areas? 
Schedule a consultation to get more information on how we can help. 
Peaceful Greenery
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